Creating a sustainable Thailand Creating a sustainable Thailand

Sustainability initiatives in Thailand are adapted from the global directions to match the needs of the Thai society and populations. Aligned with Suntory's core values of "Growing for Good" and "Giving Back to Society", we identify four priorities including Clean Water and Sanitation, Good Health and Well-being, Responsible Consumption and Production, and Climate Action. Among these four, "Water Sustainability" and "Health and Well-being" are the two areas with the highest importance and longest period of project implementation in Thailand.
Alignment with

Clean water and sanitation

Health and Well-being

Responsible consumption and production

Climate action
Creating a Sustainable Thailand
Clean Water and Sanitation
Project 1
Water Education Program
Suntory's business would not be possible without water. We are committed to nurturing healthy ecosystems in forests that produce quality groundwater for use in our products. Originating in Japan in 2004, the Mizuiku program - Education Program for Nature and Water - aims to enhance youth knowledge of water resources and environmental conservation. In Japanese, "mizu" means water, and "iku" means education.
Launched in Thailand in 2021 in collaboration with the Environmental Education Center (EEC), the program provides hands-on learning through the "Nature Classroom", promoting practical understanding and adaptability skills in young students.
In 2021, the program was implemented in Phuket to promote sustianable tourism amid COVID recovery. Its success led to expansion to Rayong in 2022. Working with the Rayong Incluive Learning Academy (RILA) under the support of the Ministry of Public Health, the program focused on promoting sustainable tourism and making Rayong a model province for water conservation education. Recoginizing teachers' role in sustainably passing on knowledge to students and community members, we also organized "Train the Trainers" sessions to support teachers in designing curricula on environmental protection and inspiring students to be "change agents".
In 2023, we partnered with the Department of Climate Change and Environment under the Ministry of Natural Resouces and Environment to scale the program nationwide. We continued to adopt the "Nature Classroom" approach to teach significance of different water sources, including upstream in Chaing Rai, midstream in Ubon Ratchathani, downstream in Cha-cheong-sao, and seawater in Krabi.
In 2024, the program is elevated to "One Suntory Mizuiku Program 2024", collaborating with Suntory PepsiCo Beverage (Thailand) and Suntory Holdings to mobilize more resources and expertise. Under the "Mizuiku Water Hero Camp", we hosted an educational camp engaging 500 students and teachers from 30 schools in Rayong and Chonburi, provinces where our factories are located, in water conservation education in Rayong. The second phase of the "Mizuiku Water Model School" provides financial support to each school to implement a water-saving project within schools and surrounding communities. After review and assessment by environmental experts, winning schools - one from Rayong and one from Chonburi - will join a trip to Japan to learn from the original Mizuiku program.
37.8K 37.8K 37.8K
students received knowledge if water resources and environmental conservation
150 150 150
teachers received knowledge of water resources and environmental conservation, and support on sustainable knowledge sharing
69 69 69
schools participated in the program
80 80 80
company volunteers joined the program to support students in learning activities
Health and Well-being
At Suntory, we believe in doing more than just offering products. We are committed to providing greater positive impacts to everyone around us as we grow. In addition to environmental and water protection, as a leading health enrichment company, we are dedicated to promote 'Good Health and Well-Being' through product innovation and implementation of projects to ensure healthy living of Thai population. We also aim to advance education development, as a foundation for people to live healthy and meaningful lives. We have implemented four key projects under this priority, including 'BRAND'S Young Blood', 'Safety Drive Campaign', 'BRAND'S Summer Camp', and 'BRAND'S Brain Camp'
Project 1
BRAND'S Young Blood
Introduced in 1997, in collaboration with the National Blood Service Center under the Thai Red Cross Society, the project aims to address the problem of insufficient blood reserves, especially during emergencies such as pandemics or festive periods with high rates of road accidents. Activities have been implemented to encourage youth and the general public to routinely donate blood to save lives by instilling a responsible citizen mindset and sharing knowledge of self-preparation before blood donation, ensuring quality blood from a healthy donor.
Key activities under this project include university roadshows and a yearly contest to promote blood donation and awareness raising among university students and staff. Supporting the Thai Red Cross on the Universities Roadshow, we consistently accompany Thai Red Cross Donation Mobile units to universities across Thailand, where we also provide BRAND'S Essence of Chicken to donors to help them feel refreshed and energized after giving blood.
Yearly contests with different themes have also been organized to attract new donors in a broader area. The contests welcome university students or young people (aged 17-22) to submit their creations to win awards. Themes for the contests cover education on self-preparation for blood donation, inspiration for youth to donate blood, and creating an understanding of safe donation. In addition to the rewards, contest winners receive recognition from Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, Executive Vice President of the Thai Red Cross Society.
1.84M 1.84M 1.84M
units (or 831,967,200 cc) of blood donated through the project
431 431 431
roadshow activities organized in universities
31M 31M 31M
blood donations provided by university students and staff participating in the roadshow activities
Project 2
Safety Drive
Started in 2007, the "Safety Drive" campaign has been implemented to enhance road safety by increasing drivers' attention and focus on the road through the efficacy of our products. In collaboration with Highway Police, Traffic Police, and Tourist Police, we have distributed between 50,000 to 100,000 bottles of BRAND'S Essence of Chicken each year to travelers within Bangkok and key highways in different regions of the country, supporting them to travel safely and reducing road accidents during the long holiday seasons such as Songkran and the new year.
In 2024, the campaign "Stay Alert, Stay Focused, Drive Safely" continues to convey our dedication to enhancing the populations' well-being through our health and wellness products. Over 50,000 BRAND'S Essence of Chicken were provided to drivers and passengers during the 7-day Songkran celebration in April. In addition to product distribution, awareness about the product's efficacy is also enhanced, particularly the role of Carnosine in promoting brain health, increasing attention, and reducing brain fatigue.
2M 2M 2M
drivers and passengers received Essence of Chicken
Project 3
BRAND'S Summer Camp
With our commitment to promoting education development to enhance the health and well-being of the Thai population in the long term, we have implemented the "BRAND'S Summer Camp" project since 1990 to help students prepare for university entrance exams. Recognizing that entering universities is a critical milstone and the importance for being prepared with "brain potential", we organize tutorial classes with experienced instructors providing focused coaching, as well as self-preparation handbooks for both Arts and Science students. The project has also recently transitioned to a digital platform to reach more students nationwide.
1.5M 1.5M 1.5M
students supported in preparing for university entrance exams
Project 4
BRAND'S Brain Camp
Recognizing the country's demand for a digital workforce, the government has set a target to create 100,000 digital-skilled workers each year. However, the educational sector could currently produce only 25,000 digital-skilled workers per year. As a leading health enrichment company that emphasizes the importance of "brain potential" in helping Thai youth succeed in their educational and professional goals in the fast-changing digital world, we introduced the "BRAND'S Brain Camp" project in 2024 to promote youth brain potential through AI and coding education.
To achieve the shared goal of preparing the new generation for success in the digital world, we partnered with the Digital Economy Promotion Agency (depa), under the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society, introducing four key activities: the Brain Hub Website, AI Roadshow, Coding Classroom Upgrade, and support for the Coding War Competition. To formalize this public-private partnership, Mr. Omer Malik, CEO of Suntory Beverage and Food (Thailand), and Assist. Prof. Dr. Nuttapon Nimmanphatcharin, Ph.D., President and CEO of depa, signed an MOU in May 2024, aiming to empower Thais to perform better, think faster, and lead healthier lives in the digital age.
1M 1M 1M
Baht worth of Micro:Bit sponsorship provided to schools under "Coding Classroom Upgrade"
23K 23K 23K
youth, teachers, parents joined activities under "AI Roadshow" such as AI Experts' Inspiring Talk and Coding Bootcamp
Responsible Consumption and Production
Aligned with the environmental policy of Suntory Group, we adopt the 3Rs (Reduce - Reuse - Recycle) concept to promote responsible production and consumption through the entire product life cycle from product planning and design, to distribution and post-consumer recycling. Two key projects have been introduced under this priority, including "Sustainable Packaging" and "BRAND'S Pack Back".
Project 1
Sustainable Packaging
Our gift baskets are environmentally friendly, using 90% of plastic materials from PCR (Post-Consumer Recycled) and PIR (Post-Industrial Resin) plastics in the production of product display bases. Some parts of the baskets can also be reused. All of our glass bottles contain 63% recycled content. For general gift sets, we use more paper-based packaging materials to reduce plastic use.
90 % 90 % 90 %
Plastic materials used in basket production contain 90% recycled content
63 % 63 % 63 %
Glass materials used in bottle production contain 63% recycled content
Project 2
BRAND'S Pack Back
We have partnered with Thailand Institute of Packaging and Recycling Management for Sustainable Environment (TIPMSE) under the Federation of Thai Industries since 2022 to drive Thailand's Bio-Circular-Green (BCG) Economic Model within the circular economy framework. Based on Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) approach, the partnership has driven the circularity of packaging materials in the manufacturing sector through the "PackBack" project, which promotes the return of post-consumer packages through EPR activities. Focusing on awareness-raising and know-how sharing, a training on "Sorting Waste and Used Packages for Recycling" has been organized for lead teachers and young student working groups in school-based waste banks, starting in Chonburi, where our factories are located. In addition to offering knowledge on waste segregation, we provide recycling bins to the schools to foster positive behaviors of proper waste sorting for recycling among students and teachers.
15 15 15
schools from 11 provinces participated in the project
1,515 1,515 1,515
students joined activities on waste segregation education
Climate Action
Supporting Suntory Group's target and the national goal on achieving the net zero-carbon society, we have been working to reduce Green House Gas (GHG) emissions at our facilities and in our operations. Activities include adjusting production process to reduce carbon footprint, adopting energy-saving technologies, and increasing the use of renewable energy.
Project 1
Carbon Footprint Reduction in Production Process
A significant change in product manufacturing process that has been applied across all product groups is the reduction in material use. We have reduced the use of glass by decreasing the thickness and weight of the bottles by 20%. Furthermore, we have reduced the use of paper in packaging boxes by decreasing both the thickness and the amount of paper required in production by 20%.
200 tons/year 200 tons/year 200 tons/year
Reduction of glass use by 200 tons/ year, leading to a reduction of CO2 emissions by 191 tCO2e, equivalent to planting 11,080 trees
1,500 tons/year 1,500 tons/year 1,500 tons/year
Reduction of paper use by 1,500 tons/ year, leading to a reduction of CO2 emissions by 1,342 tCO2e, equivalent to planting 78,050 trees
Project 2
Water Consumption Reduction
Two initiatives have been implemented to reduce water consumption at the factory. The first is improving bioler efficiency, which decreases the amount of water discarded as waste. The second involves a heat recovery process which inceases the use of recycled water by turning steam from one part of the production process into hot water to be reused in the other parts of the production process.
Reduction of LPG fuel use from improving boiler efficiency by 180,000 kg/ year, leading to a reduction of CO2 emission by 534 tCO2e, equivalent to planting 31,040 trees
Reduction of LPG fuel use from recycling water by 33,500 kg/ year, leading to a reduction of CO2 emissions by 100 tCO2e, equivalent to planting 5,800 trees
Project 3
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Reduction
Increase the use of renewable energy by installing solar rooftops at Pinthong factory
Reduction of electricity use by 1,300,000 kWh/ year, leading to a reduction of CO2 emissions by 572 tCO2e, equivalent to planting 33,360 trees